Articles are beginning to show up in the mainstream media that claim the Republican Party is now the Party of the middle class, the “working man”, and that a shift has occurred, where the Democratic Party, formerly the “hard hat” party of the Union Man, is now the Party of the rich, the Party of the Oligarchy.
Ya think?
Does anyone out there pay any attention to things as they transpire?
The Clintons pursued the aim of becoming the Party of the rich, the Clintons were always about the money. From day one in the White House they sold the Lincoln Bedroom to the highest bidder. Going back, Bill’s calendar from day one was meeting after meeting that had nothing to do with running the country, and everything to do with fund raising. The Clinton’s fund raised full time, with some measure of extra falling into their own pockets, laundered through a phony charity scam.
The unspoken about Obama is that this “community organizer”, once in power, embraced all things Wall Street, invited Goldman Sachs to fill out his Cabinet, bailed out Wall Street when they crashed our economy, and became best friends with everyone the Clintons cultivated along the way. This full support of all things “Oligarchy” has made Obama rich beyond your wildest dreams, the man is worth at least four-hundred million dollars. He has his own production company in Hollywood. He owns estate homes in Martha’s Vineyard, and Hawaii. The value of those two combined could exceed a hundred million alone. How much would some rich asshole pay to say “this home used to belong to Obama, our first Black President”?
The reversal of the two major political parties in the US did not occur overnight. The Clintons, Hillary in particular, have always been money obsessed. Well, Hillary. Bill loved the power dynamic, it drew in the women. Bill is and was always about sex, sex, and sex. And conquest. Something about Bill and his small-town Arkansas roots, he likes the conquests. The numbers are just too large for it all to be about sex alone.
Hillary understood two things early on in her career, perhaps she saw it all very early when she came to DC for the Watergate hearings, she understood that money is the lifeblood of politics, have enough of it you can swamp the opponent with messaging. Even a lie, told repetitively enough, is believed when you hound the electorate with the message.
And second, Hillary understood she enjoyed all the trappings of money. She knew that she couldn’t go from being Secretary of State with all sizes of planes waiting to transport you across the globe, being feted as the top ambassador across the globe, staying in the finest accommodations, being fed the finest foods, all that goes away after the next election cycle. Best to accumulate enough cash-on-hand so that you can continue the lifestyle. A hundred-fifty-million dollar charity to run, combined with complete control of the DNC and their coffers, can keep you in the lifestyle to which you’ve become accustomed.
You cannot hang with the “Hard Hats”, those greasy ass souls standing in an auto plant as you smile a phony smile for the camera, cringing inside from the grime, and live the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
No, no, no.
You cannot champion the masses and gain private jet access to the yachting invite.
Excuse me, dear reader, but since Obama left office, have you seen him in the role of “community organizer” at all? Even once? Carter used to build houses, or show up to paint a wall to promote “giving back”.
All we’ve seen of Obama since he left office is “here is Obama at an expensive party he threw for himself on Martha’s Vineyard where the richest of the rich, and Hollywood elite partied late into the night”. And “here is Obama on Jeff Bezos yacht”, and “here is Obama with Jeffrey Katzenberg at his compound”.
Where chasing the dollar is concerned Hillary and Obama are connected at the hip.
I keep saying it over, and over, and over here, but it is pure truth; know the players and you will know the game. I would think the next sentence should be, watch what they do, not what they say.
I’ve seen Obama in pictures overseeing construction of a lavish home in Hawaii since leaving office, but the one thing I haven’t seen him do is to go to a downtrodden Chicago neighborhood and do the “Acorn” style work he supposedly did before becoming Senator. Not a day.
Which informs me that Obama isn’t in it for altruism. He isn’t one for self-sacrifice for others, which is the picture he wants you to see. He may be full of empathy, and florid words, but when push comes to shove he wants to hang around the richest of the rich in the US, get his daughters prime directing opportunities that your kid could never obtain, get them prime spots inside the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, and to live the life his new friends Jeff Bezos, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and George Clooney have.
Lake Como is so beautiful in the early Spring, don’t you know?
The Democratic Party today isn’t just the Party of the rich, it has become the Party of the establishment. Permanent Washington, DC.
When Dick Cheney supports Kamala Harris it cannot be “in your face” any more than that, then the Democrats are the autocratic war pig Party.
Hollywood, liberal Hollywood, married to the Department of Defense. And CIA, and FBI.
If you didn’t have that on your bingo card as they like to say today, you haven't been paying attention. Watching the Clintons actions, instead of listening to the media narrative on the Clintons, is instructive. Watching Obama, instead of listening to the media narrative on Obama, is instructive.
Actions, not words.
Let me ask you as an aside, now that you know, what you know, about Jeffrey Epstein, now that all that has been exposed, do you think Monica was some innocent, flirtatious little intern at the White House, or perhaps a Mossad agent working to blackmail a President for a foreign power? When Clinton wouldn’t play ball to the letter of the law, could it be that the Mossad decided to leak information about the affair to Matt Drudge? Where did he come from, who funded his rise, how was it Matt Drudge got this career making bit of information and not the "New York Times”? Are you curious at all as to why Epstein had artwork with Bill Clinton in Monica’s infamous blue dress at his vacation lair?
I know one thing, no one asks how Monica has been able to afford any lifestyle at all since the scandal. Somehow she lives the NYC lifestyle on a resume of servicing the President in a bathroom just off the Oval Office. Did you hire her?
The transformation that the Clintons put into action way, way back in the 1990’s is now complete. The Democrats no longer represent middle America, they are no longer the Party of the Union Worker, the Party of the downtrodden.
They sold out to the highest bidder under Hillary. And the dirty little secret about the Community Organizer is just how much he enjoys caviar as well. You can get pretty far from inner city Chicago in a compound with acreage in Hawaii.
I don’t know about you, but it just makes me hate the press and mainstream media even more when I wake up this morning to see RCP (Real Clear Politics) feature articles on how the Democratic Party is now the Party of the rich, as if this all just happened last Tuesday.
Hello, hello, day one they sold the Lincoln Bedroom to the highest bidder once the Clintons took office. She tried to take over the travel office for Christ’s sake.
Thank God Vince Foster didn’t have any gold teeth, or they’d have found Hillary trying to pry them out of his cold dead body in Fort Marcy Park.
Yes, it all comes back to the succubus.