How does your mind work? Are you an extremely curious person? What I mean is, how wide is the expanse of your thoughts on any given issue? To what depth will you analyze a story presented to you in the mainstream press and dissect it for why they want you to see the story, how they presented the story, and when they presented you this information?
Because for myself, at this point, I’m wondering exactly how the meeting went between Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and the CIA when the CIA informed the pair that they were going to be allowed to infiltrate Google to the extent of a Deep State takeover, place CIA operatives into every department, every area of “National Interest”, and how the CIA would be allowed to back-door gather all the information that Google was accumulating, as well as be allowed to control the flow of information algorithmically so as to bend the entire flow of information to a CIA approved narrative.
And I’m wondering what level of coercion it took for Sergey Brin and Larry Page to see the light as it were, and to understand that this was not a “suggestion”, or request for cooperation, but a mandate from their friendly democratic governmental agency in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Did it come as a shock to Brin and Page that their invention, their company, their broadest dreams and spark of genius was going to be controlled wholly by the CIA and NSA, or given the width and breadth of capabilities of the various products they were both creating, and marrying together, it was inevitable that the “men-in-black” were going to make a visit?
Clearly these two are genius level brains, and visionaries. When you combine those two capabilities you can achieve advancements for mankind that are just incredible.
Were they visionary enough to know, at some point in the development of Google, to know the phone would ring and men would visit, men absent calling cards, men absent a sincere smile, rather demanding men?
Brin and Page created a company with global informational control capabilities. They created a company with the ability to access all information world-wide. They created a spy agency through linking multiple satellites that allow for the surveillance of the entire globe in real time, full time. The tools at their disposal are so advanced, so revolutionary, so all-encompassing, that with the right combination of information flow and capture, as well as algorithmic analysis, could even predict both individual human behavior, as well as societal shift in behavior.
Google is, in effect, the most powerful company ever created in the history of mankind. In our current interconnected world that relies entirely on the computer for mass survival they are the omniscient being in complete and total control. In short, in our computerized world and age Google is God, all knowing, all seeing.
We as individuals would be shocked to find out what they know about us, to what degree they’ve infiltrated every aspect of our lives, and what they could predict about us were we to be able to ask. There does exist individuals of note who are examined in detail by them, observed by the Deep State actors in place in the company, purposefully, to determine just how large a threat they pose to those in charge in official Washington, D.C., and to surveil their every moment. Predicability algorithms are being used to assess exactly what these individuals will do in the future. And these models are being analyzed by those whose work station exists at Google but whose paycheck derives from the CIA, or NSA, or some other particular governmental agency that takes an interest in such things.
Is this all conjecture?
Good God man, when Jack Dorsey was removed from Twitter, and Elon Musk took over, did you see the laundry list of “Agency” operatives in every vertical in the company? Twitter was a wholly owned subsidiary of “Government, Inc.”. There were CIA, NSA, and FBI operatives working information from every angle. Suppressing information over here, amplifying other information over there, and de-platforming some to eliminate completely other information. See the removal from Twitter of one Donald J. Trump. Yes. It happened. Our former President was completely de-platformed from perhaps the most influential communication device in the nation.
The power of Google makes Twitter appear to be a child’s toy.
If the CIA, NSA, and FBI had operatives all the way up the chain of command in Twitter, how many employees at Google do you think are actually Deep State actors?
My guess is a third, but if you told me half the employees at Google were actually on Deep State payroll it wouldn’t surprise me at all. The company is just that powerful.
By now we know they have satellite linkage to view the globe full time, in real time, and are filming and taping it all. Which is why I am just aghast that crimes do not get solved immediately. All we have to do is roll back the tape at Google to see who was at the scene of the crime, who left, where they went, and what they did. It is all filmed and archived at Google. All of it. All of us, all the time. They can roll back the film and show you leave the house for work, leave work for the gym, leave the gym for Starbucks, they can even show you meet your side slice at the bar for a drink on the way home from work. And replay the call of you telling your husband you are working late, and won’t be home for dinner.
All of it. They have all of it.
Even Lindsey Graham leaving his boyfriend’s house. And guess what? With infrared technology they can even see through the walls of the boyfriend’s house and know what Lindsey and his boy toy were doing. There they are, uh, playing checkers.
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the CIA first walked into Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s office. I’d love to know just how big the threat.
Was it a “boys, you’ll want to allow us full and complete access in the national interest”?
Or was it a “boys, if you’d like to be alive for the weekend you will allow us to move right into the office next door and bring a few thousand of our closest friends in to monitor everything going on here and we expect full and complete cooperation”.
And I wonder what it is like being Page and Brin today, Billionaires a hundred times over, but knowing that at any time the CIA, NSA, and FBI feel as if your value to them has reached zero, you might not achieve actuarial life expectancy.
I don’t think the billionaire that created “Tommy Bahama” has those same concerns. No one is out there monitoring his second-by-second existence in relation to the security of the status quo.
You see, this is the way my mind works.
Call me some conspiracy theory nut job, but once you’ve reviewed “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, followed by “Russiagate”, and begin to apply the lies in service to the Deep State across other information flow, you begin to see a pattern.
The pattern always leads back to official Washington, D.C..
Once you see that Twitter became a wholly owned subsidiary of the US Governmental agencies in charge, you realize that every company that has serious influence in the information game has been infiltrated to the same extent. Which would include Facebook, Instagram, and especially the daddy-of-them-all, Google.
At this point the only square peg that I can’t fit into a round hole is how they’ve allowed Elon Musk to either stay alive, or stay on payroll. By any measure the subversive information he has released about the tentacles of the Deep State should have qualified him for personal destruction. And yet not only is he alive and well, he is allowed to receive billions in government subsidies at the same time he exposes the Deep State on Twitter daily. I can’t make that make sense. Yet.
I use Google. I have to, I’m too tech illiterate to understand how not to.
I just wonder when they knew I’d pen this column about them.