They are starting to slip and show their authoritarian nature. Jimmy Dore has the clip of John Kerry being pretty clear that he’d like to do away with the first amendment
On CNN’s “One on One” Hillary Clinton openly says that if the Left loses control over the internet they will lose control over the ability to control the messaging. Read about it by clicking on the word “messaging” underlined.
I guess the Left became bored over their continuous and unrelenting attacks on the Second Amendment, they decided to attack our First Amendment rights.
At this point all the fascism is coming from the Left, but we aren’t supposed to notice as all of the mainstream media claims that if Republicans get elected, those people are the fascists.
The Left claims we need to be protected from misinformation, and disinformation. But I don’t think they are talking about how everyone in the mainstream media labeled an award winning miracle drug “horse paste”, which has since been shown to be effective against Covid in a cocktail of treatments. And I’m pretty sure the Left and mainstream media aren’t labeling misinformation when our own President said about the Covid “vaccine”, if you get the shot you can’t transmit the disease, or get the disease”. Which was an outright fabrication. Fabrication a nice way of saying “lie”.
And I had to put “vaccine” in quotes as historically we’ve known vaccines to be able to prevent both transmission and the ability to get the disease you are receiving the vaccine to prevent. But this Covid shot is the first in memory that didn't do either and yet was labeled a “vaccine”. I haven’t seen instances of polio break out since they came out with that vaccine way back when, and the iron lung is a thing of the distance past thank God, but I keep reading about people who have had multiple Covid shots and yet have had Covid at least three times. That, my friends, is no “vaccine”.
If you have Twitter, or “X”, you can see a disinformation campaign in real time right now, today. I don’t know whether it is a campaign by “bots” controlled by the Democratic Party, operatives of the “Democratic Party”, or just a controlled message sent out simultaneously by the DNC, but on Twitter over the weekend the mantra “I hate Donald Trump” broke out in droves. With literally thousands of people posting that simple message all at the very exact same time. And all day.
I wanted to reply to them on my own Twitter account, and point out that it seemed odd thousands of people would decide to launch the exact same message instantaneously, however, my Twitter account is “blocked” for another six days. You see, you cannot reveal on “X” to the world that you pray in secret for David Axelrod to come down with a debilitating and life-altering disease that is painful and eventually fatal. Twitter frowns on that. Go figure. I’ve always thought that honesty is the best policy, and certainly if David Axelrod was removed entirely from our political discourse and power we’d all live in a better place.
I guess it would be bad form to say that I say the same prayers about David Brock, everyone involved in the Lincoln Project, and a few other Democratic political hacks.
You aren’t supposed to admit on Twitter that you pray that other humans get a debilitating disease. You get a 7 day time-out for that. No matter that your prayers are a holy calling for the betterment of all mankind.
If you do have “X” or Twitter and didn’t notice the “I hate DJT” campaign, please go back onto your account and scroll, you’ll begin to notice the running theme.
The Democrats are like that, in total lock-step. Some kind of marching orders go out from the DNC very early in the morning and everyone parrots the narrative. All day. By now you’ve seen the clips, the talking heads all saying the same nonsensical crap all day using the same phrases. “The Walls are Closing In”, and you can barely hear the word Republican spoken out loud on the television absent the word “racist” not far behind. Republican, and racist, are now locked into the Leftist mind in tandem and forever. Say something on repeat ad nauseum and it becomes coupled. If this were an episode of “Password” the person on one side would say “Republican”, and the other would burst forth in just a millisecond, loudly yelling “Racist”, followed by a bell ringing out the positive response.
Hey, has Sean Penn showed up in Springfield, Ohio yet? he loves to rebuild “Haiti”, perhaps he can build for them in Springfield, where it will actually matter. Instead of Haiti itself, where any effort goes down a rat hole.
But I digress.
I don’t recall us all electing John Kerry to do anything. I remember he tried to park his yacht in Rhode Island to avoid a Massachusetts luxury tax. I know he married into the Heinz fortune. I was boycotting Heinz long before Kerry married into the family. I hate all things Shitsburgh, Pennsylvania related. If America is one big toilet than the bottom of the bowl is Pittsburgh. For sure. Take the Yinzers out the average IQ in the US goes up twelve points or more. But somehow we are to allow this John Kerry veto rights over what can, and cannot be said on the internet.
And Hillary, Satan’s Spawn, she who gave Baphomet an STD for fun, hearing her discuss internet censorship is chilling. She has friends in very high places that can make that happen.
God may not answer my prayers over David Axelrod, but he knows what he is doing. If Hillary’s daughter was even the least bit attractive they’d have her now as a Senator from New York. If Hillary’s daughter was the absolute knock-out that Ivanka Trump is, she’d already be a Senator with plans to run for President. But God made her butt ugly so that the lineage cannot carry on their political grift. When that mug shows up on camera Americans have a visceral gag reaction, and avert their eyes as if from witnessing a tragedy. What did you expect Satan’s granddaughter to look like? That girl makes Eleanor Roosevelt look like a beauty queen.
I was actually supposed to begin a marketing campaign in the Western parts of the Carolinas this month, I’ve already run the coastal areas selling products. I guess that will have to wait. I do pray for those affected, maybe those prayers will be answered. Those prayers are on the more positive side for health and well being.
You cannot escape the misinformation, and disinformation. As I was typing this the wife had on that CBS “Sunday Morning” program. I glanced up to notice the first “article” covered was on voting security, and of course our voting roles are pure, and voting is perfectly secure. Nothing out of the ordinary having hundreds of thousands of 3AM ballots counted going all in one direction and changing the results. Oh wait, does me saying that sound like disinformation? As if I am questioning, sorry. Of course the guy interviewed worked for some DC organization called something like “Center for Election Integrity” or some such nonsense. If it runs inside the beltway and finds funds, you can bet there is an angle. There exists nothing pure and good inside I 495.
The second “article” on CBS “Sunday Morning” started out on October 7 and the losses felt that day by Israel. here we are a year later and there are 200 thousand people from Gaza dead, with Israel incursions into Lebanon, Syria, and even Iran. With CBS somehow only mourning the losses in Israel. Nothing was even said about the efficacy of holding a “Rave” just over the wall from a concentration camp and how that was in extremely bad form.
Some lives appear to be worth more than others. If you research it, it appears one Israeli life is worth some 500 or more Palestinians and Arabs. That would be an accurate death toll comparison in conflicts over the past thirty years. For Gaza every day is an October 7, but CBS only noticed the October 7 that affected Israel. Go figure.
Misinformation comes in many forms.
You just have to know what to filter out, and what to believe. you have to be paying attention. You have to listen to both sides, and then make an educated and thoughtful decision on which side appears to be based in reality. In all cases you have to ask “who is showing me this, why do they want me to see this, and to what end result”. In all cases skepticism should reign supreme.
I keep watching Jimmy Dore because what he says resonates. I don’t agree with everything he says. He is for universal health care, I am not. But I do appreciate that he exposes the very dangerous, in the form of John Kerry and the WEF. Who wish to exert some control over our lives.
There are some, we call them the Left, who would allow the CIA to exert some measure of internet control to control misinformation, and disinformation. Sure. A great idea. After all the same organization that experimented on humans in the “Tuskegee Project”, and created MK Ultra, and who did LSD experiments on the unsuspecting GI, and has a history of a laundry list of other atrocities, surely they can be trusted to ensure we get only the purest “Ivory soap 99.9% pure” information flow. Of course they can.
After all, what is a little syphilis when you are seeking truth?
Just ask Baphomet.