If you are still of the opinion that January 6TH was an “insurrection”, and think that MAGA participants murdered a few Capitol Police that day, and that Trump was complicit, there is no hope for you. All of your critical thinking skills are gone.
No one is doing better work in questioning the mainstream narrative on January 6 than Jimmy Dore
To anyone with a brain capable of critical thought it is clear as day that January 6TH was the Whitmer kidnapping plot writ large, a giant FBI operation to entrap MAGA participants and frame them as “The biggest terrorist threat to our nation”.
There were hundreds if not thousands of government agency “plants”, informants, employees, who did everything they could to stir the crowd to action. They baited the MAGA crowd to enter the Capitol building.
As Jimmy Dore says this is the only insurrection where the participants forgot to bring their guns. And if you stereotype the MAGA crowd over anything, it is gun ownership. You can bet they have them. So if this was some planned “insurrection” wouldn’t the MAGA crowd have brought their guns?
Nancy Pelosi put on a “show trial”, even hired Hollywood executives to assist with the production for television, in an arrangement that would have made 1950’s Communists in Russia proud.
Jimmy Dore points out that Tucker Carlson, one of the early viewers of the full tapes on January 6TH knew immediately the Democrats and mainstream media had pushed a false narrative
Now sitting out here in middle class America, knowing that we have forces aligned in our government that include the DNC, FBI, CIA, and Justice Department all working together to pretty much criminalize the opposition party, well, it is just astounding.
Innocent men and women have received serious jail sentences in the Democratically controlled DC Courts, a DC that votes 90 percent Democrat, a DC with a majority Black population where BLM is extremely popular still, and DEI and CRT are religions, there are MAGA participants from January 6TH serving serious jail sentences for the crime of walking through “The People’s House”.
The only death that day was poor Ashli Babbit, at the hands of a Capitol Policeman.
Our fellow American citizens are sitting in a DC jail cell for years for allowing themselves to be baited into breaching the barriers and peacefully entering the Capitol building, baited by literally hundreds and hundreds of Feds. Whose aim was to criminalize members of the Republican Party as “extremists”, actual “terrorists” who are a threat to our nation.
Once you realize this, once you know this as fact, because you have a working brain, you aren’t easily fooled, you don’t just read the “Washington Post” and believe everything they print, you don’ watch MSNBC with the “walls closing in” and sit still waiting for them to “close in”, you realize that we have a permanent bureaucracy in Washington, DC that is unelected, is extremely powerful, and has decided that they, not the American People, will decide our future.
How can any American hear Brennan and Clapper, former CIA and DNI directors, go on television after leaving office and be so extremely partisan, and not become concerned that they saw it as part of their mission in government to work for one party, and to destroy the other?
How can anyone not be extremely concerned that the Democratic Party has been taken over by the worst humans alive, a Hillary Clinton that rigged the primaries against her opponents with Super Delegates and other underhanded shenanigans, and a Nancy Pelosi who had the Capitol Police “stand down” on January 6TH to allow for her, the FBI, Justice Department and other governmental agencies to work a giant “Whitmer Kidnapping” false flag operation against their political opponents.
And they were smart enough to stage their stooge President “Joe Biden” to go on stage draped in spooky, eery, scary colors to really gin up fear in the American people and tell them that “MAGA extremists are the greatest terrorist threat to our nation”.
All of this has been scripted. By what is considered the “Deep State” in permanent Washington, DC. Planned. Every bit as was the Whitmer kidnapping plot.
How anyone on earth could sit there and support a party that has aligned with permanent Washington, DC to criminalize the opposition party and work with an unelected bureaucracy to govern our country, the will of the people be damned, well, those people are so far gone, so mentally addled, so unquestionably brainwashed, they are all “Rob Reiner”, a former 1960’s liberal holding placards saying “don’t trust the establishment”, who, sixty years later are the biggest supporters of the “Deep State” and permanent Washington, DC.
Think about that.
From “never trust anyone over 30”, to “The Democrats are the savior of our nation”. The same Democrats who rigged the Democratic primary (and it’s not some right wing keyboard nut in Florida saying this, read Donna Brazile’s book), the same Democrats who created “Russiagate”, the same Democrats who are trying to rig the 2024 elections by keeping their number one opponent off the ballot.
How funny is it that a man known as “meat head” in his most famous role some fifty years ago has come full circle to being “brain dead” in real life? How exactly does one do a podcast exposing the CIA for participating in the execution of JFK, and yet turn around today in full throated support of the “Deep State” and CIA who is working overtime right now to subvert our Democracy on behalf of the Democrats?
How could someone be so obtuse as to not see the ironies?
Some on my side say if we don’t get this next election right in 2024 that “it’s all over”.
Good Jesus Christ there are MAGA Trump supporters rotting in a DC jail right now on false charges. How is it not “all over” right now? What is the difference between you, or me, and them? They cared more, so they went to Washington, DC and got caught up in a sting operation? They decided to become “activists” for our cause and now they have to sit in jail on some false bullshit Democratic operation?
In some ways they were our most fervent support, our leaders, our front line, and we allowed them to be jailed like animals on false charges.
Obama and Company ruined patriot Michael Flynns life and he sleeps well at night. Now Obama, Nancy and company have ruined dozens of lives who went to the Capitol that day to exercise their free rights of speech.
Hey, we all “cling to our guns and religion” a bit too much.
In the face of these tremendous and horrible actions by the DNC, leaders of the Democratic Party, and “Deep State”, you and I just sit. Dore rails, Tucker rails. But in the end they’ve won, the people still sit in jail. Nancy is still in power.
Horrible, awful, criminals, real criminals, are in actual power.
We all sit powerless.
In minutes I’m going to wander for a second cup of coffee. Trying not to think about ordinary Americans like myself sitting in a DC jail, railroaded by Leftist DC courts, activist judges, far Left Democratic operatives who now control all of DC.
I keep saying it to people but it doesn’t sink in “All of DC is Lois Lerner”.
Democratic activists in positions of power, unelected, who see their government job as a cause to work on behalf of Democratic causes and against the Right full time.
See Strozk, Peter, or Clapper, James, or Brennan, John, or Comey, James, or Lerner, Lois, and I can go on, and on. We didn’t elect any of them, but they are Democrats full time working against all things Republican in their official positions.
So there you sit reading this, here I sit typing. And there are those who say if things don’t go right in the 2024 election “all is lost”.
Holy Shit wake up. It’s been “lost” since they put a bullet through John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s head in Dallas when I was just a boy.
And it is so far gone now, I’m not sure there is a damn thing we can do to get it back.
My fellow Americans rot in a jail for the crime of being patriotic. And what am I doing?
Getting up for a second cup of coffee.
I’d feel some sense of utter shame if I didn’t also realize, “this”, Jesus, this is all way, way bigger than me. Way, way bigger than me and my little vote. A vote that some “motor voter” bill will cancel as the Democrats ballot harvest and swamp my little effort at being involved in our Democracy.
Over before it started. The DC monster is too big to fight. Too powerful to oppose.
Absent financial collapse our Democracy is gone, baby gone.
Turn on TV. Watch as the mainstream features Democrats claiming January 6 a terrorist plot by Republicans to overthrow the government.
Then stop and think, they put this on television, they expect us to believe this shit?
Yes they do. They are in complete control. Of government, media, the internet. All of it.
I need that second cup. I think I’ll add an English muffin.
It’s the truth. And we sit here and rot on the second cup of coffee.