The default is always to the Left.
The starting line is always skewed Left.
“Facts” are always pre-determined from the viewpoint of Left.
Global Warming, though unsettled science, and perhaps even based on false date points, is as the default accepted as fact in every mainstream media news story. You begin from a position that “Global Warming is an existential threat” to all. That is the baseline, the beginning, of all discussion.
White Supremacy is real, it exists, it is factual, and it is causal of all problems faced by minorities in the US. There is no dissent, there is no pushback, there is no recognition of this “reverse-racism”. White Supremacy is the baseline, the starting point, for every story in the mainstream media on disparities between minorities, and Whites. Oh, except for Asians as a minority, They create real problems for the narrative of White Supremacy as they outperform Whites inside this system of “White Supremacy” and therefore need to be ignored completely. No story on White Supremacy can recognize Asians as a minority, they need to be left out of the conversation completely so as not to disturb the baseline assumptions and argument.
Illegal immigrants are fleeing oppressive governments, are political dissenters that need to flee their country from political prosecution. They are not just seeking economic opportunity, they all claim that they were forcibly removed from their homes due to political persecution. And that is the baseline argument for allowing open borders and mass illegal immigration into the US. It is the default of all mainstream media.
They will only allow that seeking economic opportunity is a secondary pursuit of those entering the US illegally. They are political dissidents who need to flee for safety.
America is a racist country, founded on racist principles, with a racist White population that will not allow minorities access to opportunity. White have create a system to benefit themselves at the expense of all others. This is the default narrative on every story in the mainstream media.
Abortion on demand is a woman’s right. The fact that today, right now, in America, the argument from the Left is that women have a right for abortion on demand all the way through the actual birthing process, and have a right to terminate the pregnancy even after a live, full term birth, is not to be a part of the discussion. A woman has bodily autonomy. Through the full term of the pregnancy.
Now the very fact that this is infanticide, the fact that the Left has moved on from any argument over exactly when a fetus becomes a baby, when a zygote forms and becomes a “baby”, the old argument over an abortion right at six weeks, or twelve weeks, or sixteen weeks has been fully supplanted by the argument that women have bodily autonomy and can abort all the way through the pregnancy “on demand”.
All arguments over abortion rights in the US from the mainstream media must be framed by the Left Wing position that the Right wants to impose limits on women’s reproductive “freedoms” as the baseline default starting position on discussing abortion.
We can have no discussion at all about how the Left has moved abortion into infanticide with some argument that after the birth the doctor and mother can sit and decide whether to terminate the pregnancy. Even some Leftists would come to the conclusion that such behavior is lunacy, is murder of an infant, so we must not allow any discussion about abortion that brings those realities into the discussion.
Republicans are “evil”, Democrats are good, is the baseline for every single article or show in mainstream media. Republicans want to stop all progress in the US, Democrats want to move the country forward. This is the absolute default position of all mainstream media discussions and presentations.
Any discussion of rigged elections, ballot box stuffing, or cheating in elections is considered to be the domain of “conspiracy theorists” no matter the evidence. If you question the integrity of elections you are batshit crazy. Full stop. No reasonable discussion can be held on anomalies and unique statistical variants in our elections. You cannot point to a rigged election in PA, or Rhode Island as proof there are problems in the system. And ballots can be recounted, but not examined. Running the same bogus ballots through the machine again, and again, yielding the exact same results is proof that there was no election rigging. But no, there is no requirement to further examine those ballots to see if perhaps thousands have the same ink mark, or if perhaps the machines have some tabulation error favoring one side.
Those that question election results are “conspiracy theorist” extremists, Alex Jones types, “tin foil hat” people, best ignored. That is the default position of all stories on election results.
Whites are oppressors, Blacks are oppressed. Michelle Obama, she of the 400 million dollar bank account, homes in Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii, is oppressed. Whites in Appalachia starving and turning to fentanyl laced drugs to ease their pain are oppressors. This is the default narrative of all mainstream media. It is not to be questioned. Michelle Obama’s two daughters are oppressed due to the color of their skin, living in a system of “White Privilege”. That one just got to direct a movie in Hollywood absent any previous experience is inconsequential. That the name Obama opens every Hollywood door and that they are Nepo Babies of the highest order matters not a whit. They are Black, and therefore are oppressed.
When Democrats are wrong about an issue, lie about an issue, ignore it completely. Move on. If they said masks work and they don’t, ignore it as if it never happened. If they said stand six feet apart absent any scientific proof of efficacy, ignore it. If they say over, and over, if you get the shot you can no longer transmit the disease, or get the disease, and that proves to be a falsehood, ignore it. If they don’t want to acknowledge a lab leak origin, cooperate fully to denigrate anyone who suggests such a theory as racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and a conspiracy theorist. When Democrats and the Left are wrong, ignore the reality. Completely. When proven wrong, ignore all facts. Promote the lie until it becomes “truth”.
The default position of all the mainstream media from ABC, NBC, CBS, Cable News networks CNN, MSNBC, Fox, for all of media the default position is always to be stated from the Left’s standing position. The Right must be defeated, the Right is wrong, the Right is always at fault. Democrats are the Party that cares, the Party that wants the US to move forward, they are everything that is good with America.
When 51 bureaucrats pen a lie that the laptop from Hell is “Russian Disinformation” after the FBI has had five years to verify the contents, and knows concretely that the laptop is real, belongs to Hunter, and has nothing to do with Russian disinformation, ignore the story forevermore. That ruse has served it’s purpose in the cause of election interference, move on. Our lies in service to the cause are holy and good, everything they say from the Republican side is a lie. Our lies aren’t lies, they are the language of the benevolent, in service of all those in need.
The Left, in conjunction with the mainstream media will paint the picture of reality, ignore your lying eyes.
Everything you say is true, but the article I want to read is how people are combatting this. We need a game plan.
EXCELLENT piece! 100% true from start to finish.
This "Default" is destroying our society, and as your other reader said, we desperately need "a game plan", as this completely reprehensible farce and smokescreen can no longer be accepted or tolerated.
If anything, this country is now overwhelmed with REVERSE discrimination. An "atonement" measure adopted by the guilt riddled left. All "whites" are haters who want to close the borders. Close the borders to WHOM? Those looking to peddle their drugs here? Those seeking to exploit our naive federal benefits system? Those looking to join fellow gang members and prey on our society? And WHO exactly are "whites" anyway? Are they all the purebred stodgy progeny of British colonists? Hell no! We are a melting pot.. a country that saw an influx of 20 million Europeans between 1880 and 1915. So let me get this right... every Brit, Italian, German, Pole, Greek, Frenchman, Dane, etc. hates only Blacks and Hispanics... right? Gimme a break! Its the "squeaky wheel theory" is what it is... He who has cried hardest, longest, and loudest has gotten the "oil"... particularly from our less than sensible liberal left. Around the time of the last election there were even talks of "reparations".... Reparations? To WHOM, for WHAT? A nation running a 2.1 TRILLION dollar deficit is supposed to simply peel off between $1000 and $10000 (depending on which IDIOT is demanding said) to each and every black American for something that took place hundreds of years ago??? Sure... and lets all leave milk and cookies by the chimney for Santa next year as well!
Cummon people.... the bottom line is that this "default" is simply wrong. Its been fermenting for quite a while now, but has really gelled in the last 5-10 years. Minds poisoned by a never-ending flow of tainted and wrongful propaganda. Its not going to go away or reverse itself overnight, but it never will unless we formulate a solid and sensible game plan...under strong and charismatic leaders....and begin chipping away at it now. LISTENING to the right messages from sensible, perceptive people like Mr. Herman is part of that equation.