Some friends wonder why I’ve become more than a bit cynical about our government. I have started to believe that our government is truly under control of a “Deep State”, a group of entrenched, unelected bureaucrats that feel it is their duty and obligation to run the country as they see fit, the will of the American people be damned.
While on the surface the most obvious example of our unresponsive government is the Southern border crisis, there happen to be two episodes in recent American history for which there is no explanation, and which point to a shadow government that perhaps is not proceeding along in the best interest of the American people.
And I must admit to you that in both circumstances, where I have a grave concern, the American people themselves seem to be rather incurious. Our mainstream media has ignored both completely. And this makes no sense as both examples I am about to provide should encourage a “Watergate” style investigation, as the answers to be found for both of these things that have occurred could be devastating to the institutions that really run our country, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI and the Justice Department.
Questions would have to be answered that might wake up the American people to just how far afield our unelected bureaucracy has run in it’s quest to serve the people.
The first instance is the pipe bombs planted in the January 6TH “insurrection”, there were two pipe bombs planted, one at the DNC, and the other planted at the RNC, the Washington, DC headquarters for our two major political parties.
There is video of someone planting the bombs. And there is curious video of both Capitol Police, and Secret Service, finding the explosive devices. They have them removed, also on tape.
\Here are a few online personalities, including Tucker Carlson, who attempt to cover this story
And here is the Director of the FBI being interrogated over the issue before Congress
Now we live in a world where they are frog marching reporters who covered January 6TH out of their homes. Without telling the reporter “suspect” exactly what they are being charged with, an absolutely Stalin-esque move from our very own US Government.
And this arrest has taken place years after January 6TH and the FBI is still diligently pursuing “suspects” who violated the Capitol that day. So I ask you, the FBI seems to have just a zest and zeal for going after participants in January 6TH with almost a vengeance, even those who might have just visited DC that day and been in the crowd, who didn’t even breach the Capitol.
Yet they, the FBI, seem rather incurious, and lack any and all zeal for chasing the person who planted pipe bombs with the apparent intent to blow up the headquarters of our two major political parties.
One would think that our chief investigative agencies, the FBI, the BATF, the Capital Police, the Secret Service, would all make finding a pipe bomber the number one target in America. Certainly someone planting pipe bombs on January 6TH was a far greater danger than horned-helmet wearing shamans who high-fived police as they wandered the halls of “the people’s house”.
Now I am just asking, is it possible, could it have been, that the FBI, or Capitol Police themselves planted the bomb in some effort to frame the MAGA movement as “Domestic Terrorists”, to help bolster this Democratic narrative that MAGA is the “greatest threat to our nation” and this is the reason we cannot find the bomber, or lack all enthusiasm in the FBI for finding the bomber? Perhaps?
If January 6TH was a “set-up”, by the Democrats in conjunction with the CIA and our major law enforcement agencies, to frame MAGA as a threat to our country, and to eliminate the main thrust of the opposition party who pose a real threat to their Democrat grip on power, well, that is some earth-shattering news.
Personally I find the lack of all-out, daily news focused attempt to find the bomber extremely interesting and concerning. Whoever perpetrated this crime is as dangerous a person to our freedoms, our safety, and our nation as Bin Laden. Yet there is no equivalent effort in our Government to “get the pipe bomber” in the same way they got Bin Laden. Why?
This should be a daily news topic, a daily discussion, until the perpetrator is found and brought to justice. The fact it is not, and the media and Government appear to lack all curiosity, makes me very, very concerned.
The second event that has me just baffled is “building 7”.
What is building 7 you might ask?
And I would understand your asking, because long, long after the September 11 take-down of the World Trade Centers in New York, the attack on the Pentagon, and the downing of a Boston flight in a Pennsylvania field, I was perusing Youtube and found out about “building 7”.
It appears that on September 11TH, the same day that planes hit the New York based World Trade Centers a building located not far from the World Trade Centers just “imploded”. It just happened to come down in the same manner as the World Trade Centers, coming down cleanly inside it’s own footprint, yet it was not hit by any plane, it was not damaged by the World Trade Centers which might cause it to fall, it just “came down”.
Now this video indicates that somehow the falling towers “weakened” building 7 causing it’s collapse. But no other area buildings were “weakened”, no other buildings collapsed into their own footprint neatly and cleanly.
Now it could be that you have a perfectly reasonable explanation for why a building a few blocks from the World Trade Centers just imploded later in the day, it is completely possible that I have gone all “Alex Jones tin foil hat” these days.
But there is no reasonable explanation for this building imploding as if it were detonated by Controlled Demolition of Baltimore, falling into its own frame. Not only is there explanation from any official agency about some random building near the Trade Centers coming down, it is as if the entire Government, and the entire media has ignored this story completely. Which makes me curious, and causes some concern.
The combination of these two events, in conjunction with the actions of our own Government which followed, the passing of the Patriot Act, the rise of the surveillance state, the definite movement of Government to take away freedoms and liberties since 9/11, I am sorry if it appears that it could be possible our own government has created a “Gulf of Tonkin”, “Remember the Maine” incident as some justification and excuse to expand powers in our new age of the online invasion of our privacy, the transparency that technology has brought to our everyday lives, and the ways in which our Government can make us all “Canadian Truckers” tomorrow without much effort. They can close our bank accounts. They can have us removed from our jobs. They can make us “non-persons” overnight.
All I am asking is a simple question. Could the powers-that-be behind the scenes, the same exact powers that attempted to use foreign intelligence agencies to tie the leading Republican candidate for President to Russia, and who impeached him twice over nonsense, could these same actors who perpetrated these provable crimes in “Russiagate”, could they actually be so awful as to use the September 11TH tragedy to further their control over the levers of power in the US?
We’ve seen subterfuge before from our intelligence agencies, Pentagon, and Government, which is why I used the examples of the “Gulf of Tonkin”, and “Remember the Maine” specifically.
Are they so far gone they’d be somewhat complicit in 9/11 so they could expand the surveillance state exponentially, create an entire new Cabinet level department in “Homeland Security”, and encroach on our liberties in ways we simply cannot imagine? Can you see intelligence people like John Brennan, a partisan beyond belief, at one time a card carrying member of the US Communist Party, would you put such behavior past his capabilities? The man is pure evil, combined with James Clapper they create a cess pool of evil.
They don’t have to jail us any longer to exert full control over our lives. They can take our license to drive, seize our bank accounts, turn off our ability to use the internet, and communications, and damage our ability to earn a living.
As I type this US citizens who just made the mistake of wandering the hall of “the people’s house” on January 6TH are in the worst prison conditions in the country, some in solitary confinement, for years and years. If some part of the sentence isn’t seen as political prosecution then you have no ability to be objective anymore.
So yes, I’ve become very, very cynical. I hear that it is a problem in old age. Every glass around is half-empty. You wake up with aches, pains, it is easy to go through the day with a bit of a scowl, to bark harshly and lose the gentle nature.
But though I am old, I am full of ambition, have a youthful attitude, and a hopeful nature. Yet I have some very real concerns.
I wish more people shared them. I wish we had a curious media, who could look into these two events and bring us some clarity, some answers.
I do not fear that the answers could portend a “Deep State” out-of-control. An FBI and CIA run amok with self-appointed “Peter Strozks “ who feel it is their duty and obligation to engage in “we will stop him” behavior, and use their Govnerment position to thwart the will of the people in a free and fair election, these people need to be weeded from Government, we need to clean house, we need smaller and more responsive Government, not overlords.
The CIA needs to be accountable, it cannot be a rogue institution whose head requests that foreign governments meddle in our elections Ala John Brennan.
I wish that these two incidents gained more traction, more questions, a bigger investigation. Were you even aware of these controversies? Have I entered “tin foil hat” territory?
What say you?
Yes, yes, yes.