It didn’t take long.
There isn’t going to be any introspection. There isn’t going to be a somber time of self-reflection and understanding by those who lost this election.
Just after finishing yesterday’s column, while watching CNN continue to fail to state the obvious as if it was still 11PM Election Night 2016, with 240 Electoral College votes acknowledged and her path to victory sealed shut, Van Jones said live, on air, that it appeared we had elected an “obnoxious ass”.
Just as in 2016 they took hours and hours refusing to acknowledge the obvious win, refusing to accept loss, when if Kamala had cut off his path to victory so certainly with every swing state they would have called the election by 11PM. They just are not learning anything at all from their behavior, and the consequences that follow.
Less than an hour into victory and the opposition still hadn’t learned to be gracious. Not for a second. Van Jones, the man who worked closely with Donald J. Trump on prison reform and got what he wanted from the man, and in Trump’s first hour of redemption and victory, Van Jones couldn’t help himself, he had to call our newly elected President an “obnoxious ass”. Live, on air. With a disdain in his voice that was palpable, clear, thick.
Please don’t view Twitter, or X, today. Please don’t scroll back for the immediate aftermath replies.
“Whites are racist for voting in Trump”.
“White women did this to America”.
“Our country has voted a rapist into the Presidency”.
“A felon has been elected President”.
“Uneducated hillbillies have cursed this country by electing Hitler.”
“We shouldn’t let the uneducated vote in this country”.
“the misinformed and misogynistic have voted in the worst man in America”.
“White men are to blame for this tragedy”.
“They wouldn’t vote for a black woman.”
A bombastic game show host just beat the establishment for the second time and yet they spend not a second attempting to evaluate how this could have happened when they spent the past four years denigrating the man at full throat all day, everyday.
They don’t seem to want to come to grips with the fact the man they hate on full-time all day, everyday, somehow overcame it all and still came out victorious over them.
Shocking to the mainstream media no one listened to their cries. No one heeded their warnings. The majority turned them a deaf ear.
They can’t take a minute in self-reflection to place the blame squarely where it belongs; on their own shoulders.
Perhaps the vast majority of middle class, working class Americans get upset when they are under constant attack and told they are racist to the core, are experiencing an inflation that threatens their lifestyle, are put through DEI courses and humiliated, and given forced jabs of experimental medicines to keep their jobs. And on top of all that are treated as if they are just plain stupid because they failed to obtain an advanced degree. When they are treated as if they are second class citizens in their own country.
Some overweight, older, right wing pundit attempted to explain to the dais on screen why Trump had won. The look on Van Jones face as he spoke was one of complete and utter disgust and disbelief. Almost a mocking sneer.
Which is why we simply cannot stop for a moment and attempt to “unify”, you cannot unify with people like Van Jones.
You cannot unify with a Jen Psaki, or Rachel Maddow. You cannot attempt to mend fences with “Morning Joe” or his wife. You cannot befriend the ladies of “The View”.
It isn’t possible.
The Left in this country and mainstream media just boils with hatred and disgust for all things MAGA, all things on the spectrum of the Right in politics in America, they don’t want to come together, they want to destroy the movement.
They tried.
May I remind you about Joe’s speech draped in red, the FBI going after Catholics, our attorney general saying that the greatest threat to America is “MAGA” terrorists.
One might think that Van Jones would wait until Trump takes office and enacts policy he doesn’t favor to descend into calling our President an “obnoxious ass”, but then you’d be wrong.
Trump was “President elect” for less than an hour when that happened. And even then the screen still said “240”, with everyone knowing the results were complete. They still couldn’t acknowledge the obvious. They refused to tally the clear victory, the domination of swing states.
In any sane world the media would reboot. “Morning Joe” would be removed from the air and replaced with a more centrist program. Something better related to the average American. If diversity is our strength then perhaps some diversity of opinion on MSNBC in the morning broadcast hours where a reasonable discussion could take place absent Trump hatred for three hours daily, that would be a nice change from what has failed.
In any sane world the ladies of “The View” would be in the unemployment line today, so out-of-touch with half the electorate, so far off from the sensible, the show would either be revamped to include a few sane voices from the center and right, or taken off the air completely.
But from what I am seeing just one day into our brave new world they’ve learned nothing.
They have decided to turn the volume up spewing a hatred and denigration of half the country to an “11”. Twitter, or X, is drowning in a Left loathing for all things Trump today.
At this point I have to ask, I have to question, what can you do when you have to live with these people, who have developed a visceral hatred for us all, are in positions of power and privilege, and yet who wish to denigrate us and who want us to suffer?
I’m not on television. I don’t have a big six figure, or seven figure contract. You aren’t either. We are out there everyday paying attention to what is important in life.
Family, career, faith, community.
And we cast our votes for the individual who we feel serves us all best to promote the values that matter to us all.
And for that we are denigrated, cast down, cast aside, ridiculed and hated.
I was hoping that in a Trump victory we’d see a change. We’d see the mainstream media atone for their sins. We’d see a sea change, less hate, more understanding.
Introspection, reflection, understanding.
Apparently I was wrong.
Van Jones should have been walked off-air for that comment last evening.
That he wasn’t is instructive.
Strap in, this is going to be a bumpy ride the next four years.
It appears they will turn up the headwinds to an “11” in Spinal Tap fashion.
The establishment hasn’t learned a thing, and apparently never will.
My advice to all, to the mainstream media, to Hollywood, to academia, to the Far Left, to every living and breathing Democrat in America, to Nancy, and Hillary, and Chuck, would be to find a dictionary and look up the word “Repudiation”.
Learn it, understand it, feel it.
Don’t resort any longer to vitriol and hatred, but to self introspection.
This is about your mental health and survival for the next four years.
Trust me on one thing. Over on this side, we are just fine right now.
In fact I feel better than fine.
I feel glorious today.
I don’t have to look up repudiation, I am basking in redemption.
You got to remember one thing Michael Marxist are never wrong. And I got the body count to prove it.