Long, long ago, in a city now far away, I sat watching television with an elder, a news program was on, and a reporter was showing us all the first look at a new, futuristic, war plane. One that looked like no other before it. All wing, black, and angular. This new plane was a revelation, every aspect of the new vehicle was different, from the carbon fiber exterior, to the computer controlled cockpit, the laser guided weaponry, the speed, the agility. This was one fierce machine.
I don’t recall who was sitting with me, my father, or uncle, just that they were older, wiser, and vastly more experienced in life. And they turned to me and said that if the government was willing to show us this new and incredibly advanced weaponry, that it was only because they’d invented something so far superior that it had rendered this machine obsolete.
That the fact they were unveiling this bomber to the general public, and by way of aside our literal enemies abroad, willing to show us this war machine, and allowing all to view the capabilities of this warbird, was an indication that they’d made advancements so far beyond what was being shown that this machine, incredible as it appeared to the mere mortals such as myself, was nothing but a obsolete relic.
Those tasked with keeping us safe from enemies, domestic and abroad, value secrecy and stealth, perhaps more than any other factor. Loose lips do indeed sink ships.
My thoughts drifted back to the unveiling of the B2 Bomber in hearing about Joe Rogan and his interview with Marc Andreeson, a Silicon Valley billionaire, and some revelations made during the interview.
Mr. Andreeson claims that some have been delisted from the banking industry, that is removed completely, and unable to open an account, and had their accounts closed, rendering them helpless. The same was done for their online life, their accounts and programs were shut down.
As these were American businessman, albeit with unpopular Right Wing views, and not subsistence fisherman on a remote Polynesian island, the inability to bank, go online, have access to credit, cash, this made them a literal prisoner of the state. They were not actually housed in a prison cell, but their lives were over. Absent the ability to trade in commerce, and participate online, one simply cannot continue to exist in our modern age.
And it was after hearing the absolute horror stories as related by Marc Andreeson that I realized, we are all Canadian Truckers. Now. Not at some time in the future, not in some era of conflict, not when we decide to rise up against authority.
Right now.
When the Canadian Truckers protested against Trudeau’s heavy-handed policies he merely cancelled their license to operate, shut down their bank accounts denying them the ability to purchase petrol and food, forced the insurance and bonding firms to cancel their ability to gain insurance and load bonds, and put them out-of-business.
He neutered them like a toy poodle.
The mighty trucker, who holds the fate of all in their hands, moving the freight across our nation, the lifeblood of food, medicine, clothing required to maintain our comfort. The unionized trucker across our land, who can, in one simple strike, bring the country to it’s knees, a powerful conglomerate for certain, can be dismissed overnight with the instantaneous loss of license, insurance, and banking. Trucks can only go so far on one tank of gasoline.
The dystopian future is here now.
We like to think of the horrors of big government as some plot in a movie about the distant future, a dystopia where powerful forces are lined up against the individual, an a hero emerges from the sewer. Grouping a band of misfits, and holding a primitive weaponry, against an ominous and all-powerful state.
But right now our government has the ability to make us all “non-persons”.
How would you survive if tomorrow they seized and shut down your bank account, froze all your savings, shuttered your credit line. Shut off your water, and electric. And in effect rendered you helpless to operate in our modern world. What if they shut down all of your ability to go online, access any aspect of your life from banking, to social contact.
Past the exiting tank of gas how far could you go? How long could you survive absent the ability to purchase anything, no food, no water, nothing to help you sustain life itself?
If Marc Andreeson is telling the truth, and indeed there have been entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley who have had their bank account shuttered because either their own political views were not in favor of the state, or their companies product could be used in ways in which the state did not approve, then we are in a “world of shit” right now.
The uneducated substance farmer lost deep in South America, the leathery fisherman on the elusive Polynesian island, they have a greater chance at survival than does one living in this land of plenty who has been shut down and had their bank account seized by those in charge.
In general we here in this advanced world sneer at that fisherman, that farmer, having to get up and work so hard each day just to eat, just to survive. When we have all the comforts in the world here. When we have a feast in every direction and so readily available. When we have the modern convenience of air travel, autos in the driveway at our disposal, a refrigerator full of not just subsistence level food, but delicious variety.
We feel superior, we feel enlightened, we feel entitled.
And yet we are but lemmings being led slowly to the cliff if we cannot have absolute control over our own destiny in the same way as that fisherman, or farmer.
If others have the power to grind our lifestyle to an abrupt halt, for any reason, but in particular due to our political views and affiliation, then we are but wards of a state we can’t see, don’t see, or choose not to see.
Trudeau gave the game up early.
His heavy-handed response to those Canadian Truckers who protested policy was revelatory. He showed us quite clearly just how the wrong hands in power can utilize the powers of the state against the individual.
This was no story by Orwell, this was no James Cameron movie, Trudeau showed us a dystopian reality existed right now, today.
The amazing thing is that neither Covid lockdowns, nor mandated vaccinations into our bodies, caused any mass protest or action. And looking back, neither did the Truckers rally and strike against the state. People watched silently and obediently as the Canadian Truckers were brought to heel.
And shrugged.
Comfortably smug that they’d obeyed, they’d complied, and therefore the pain was for others to bear, those recalcitrant Truckers.
I have always thought the American unique. A different and new breed. A people for whom liberty and freedom aren’t words, or even ideals, but a life commitment. The core tenant of our being. Our raison d’être, our very reason for being.
But Katrina cured me of that antiquated notion. I saw people die helplessly waiting on a government to save them, a government that never came. I saw people sacrifice self-reliance for dependence on government. I saw a people who had given over their own self-determination to a nameless, faceless, bureaucracy, and who paid the highest price for that mistake.
Later, I saw a people mask in their own homes, shelter in place as ordered, and to voluntarily allow themselves to be stuck with an experimental drug, twice, to maintain societal order, and because this same nameless, faceless, unaccountable bureaucracy told them to.
And then I realized that the spirit of Liberty, the spirit of freedom, had been sold off by most, if not all, on the cheap. Sold off for nothing more than a lesser security. And not even that. The feeling of security, as let’s face it, exactly how does the US government actually provide us with any level of security? Can they really prevent someone from banging in our doors and getting to us? Of course not, home invasions happen every day.
Almost all of America sold off their most precious possessions of Liberty and Freedom for the false promises of security.
And while they weren’t looking and weren’t aware, the government not only created a B2 Stealth Bomber, but something far more deadly and sinister, deciding to show their hand with the B2 only when our government was secure in the knowledge that they had such a superior standing with new technology that the B2 was rendered obsolete.
The network for delisting our lives lives now. It exists. Trudeau in backwards ass Canada gave up the game, showed us what already exists.
And if it lives in the land of “Zed”, we have the most lethal strain right here in the good old United States of America.
We can all become a non-person immediately at the whim of a bureaucrat.
Erased technologically. Cut off from water, electricity, cut off from all necessity.
And there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. Nothing.
Except comply.
Except to submit.
Except to atone.
Some on the internet just love the quotation attributable to Constantine “better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees”, and that appears everywhere of late.
But what if we didn’t know, haven’t known, were unaware, that we’ve been living on our knees this entire time?
That at no time were we ever allowed to stand.
And that if we did attempt to stand, for even a weekend as a Canadian Trucker, that we’d be slapped out of existence immediately.
We aren’t at a crossroads with this change in administrations, we’ve long been at the crossroads.
We are living in a world where we sit mesmerized by the new B2 Bomber they show us, and they hold a far more powerful weapon to our collective heads absent our knowledge or even understanding.
I expect this next four years may be a battle against the Deep State for our very survival. The survival of our freedoms and liberties. Absolutely.
And you?
Are you walking knee deep in the fetid waters of Katrina waiting on “daddy government” to come save you, or are you standing tall in the saddle with face paint, Mel Gibson in “Braveheart”, and screaming “Freedom”!
Melania and Baron were de-banked, and they did nothing wrong.
I saw that Rogan/Andreesen 3hr horror show. The last hour was the scariest.
Orwell was an optimist.
The Truckers' Convoy was a bright light in the Covid era. We drove to the nearest overpass along the 401 and waved flags as the convoy drove past on their way to Ottawa.
Not only did they lock the bank accounts of the truckers, but they froze the accounts of people who donated to the truckers and anyone who they could find even the smallest connection to.
There was enough of an uproar that most of the "debanking" was reversed. But the fact that banks went along with it in the first place it was scary as hell.