It seems you did extremely well at that sales thing, so you can't cry too much about missing a writing career.

But . . . your supposed lack of abilities in grammar and punctuation needn't have been a barrier to actual writing. Did the fact that you didn't finish a degree hinder your career in sales? We've all been brainwashed to accept credentialism. I suspect you're doing your own editing, which proves you do have the abilities of a writer.

Augusten Burroughs was a sixth-grade dropout. After getting a GED, he dropped out of med school in his first semester. Yet his book "Running with Scissors" described how he survived in NYC on his income as a writer.

I had a friend, long gone now, who was a writer. Remember the malapropisms of the Three Stooges -- "I resemble that remark" -- she did that all the time. Yet she won writing contests and published stories she submitted to magazines. Her problem was that she talked a lot about writing but didn't produce much, despite lots of encouragement from all in our friend group.

I live in a Blue State, and there are some perks that come with that. A while ago, I wanted to find out how a 3D printer works. One library here has a Maker's Room or some such thing. It's a room equipped with all kinds of stuff and a person who knows how to use and repair it all.

I made an appointment and got an hour of her time to show me how 3D printers work. I also got a tour of her kingdom. This Maker's Room included a YouTube section that had a camera and editing equipment. I'm sure not nearly as comprehensive as the services offered by a production company, but a free education. In the end, just as YouTube turned out not to be your thing, 3D printing wasn't mine.

Not everything you try works, and it absolutely requires false starts or detours to find the right road. Lucky you, you've found your Second Act.

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So, who edits your substack column? You write so much you must have finally learned to write! Good for you! I have a blog, but it takes weeks to get it print ready, so alas no blog. Lol

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Well, I for one, enjoy reading your blathering! My mind is full of tons of crap that I can't seem to keep to myself either. I have thought of writing here myself but haven't "pulled the lever" yet. Thanks for sharing what you do! I appreciate it!

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