One more, in response to today's "randoms"....

Yes, the wife likely was a little hard on you about the golf/dinner thing, but you were likely a little hard on the friend with the green pastel work ensemble. As you know, I once made a personal statement of rebellion by donning a purple fishnet tanktop for a sales meeting.

And speaking of "fishnets"... Yes, the Olympic opening ceremonies were a complete travesty and debacle. Mocking the last supper? Drag queens, prancing pixies, dominatrix debauchery... a twisted faggotry frolic that left me (a not overly religious guy who appreciates irreverent satire) disgusted and repulsed. Whatever deranged group of choreographers and perverse morons decided to put on that spectacle of Sodom should face the Alex Baldwin firing squad!

And speaking of Alex Baldwin... Maybe Im naive, but I dont think the man is malicious or evil. He says he "assumed" the gun was loaded with blanks (arent ALL movie set guns loaded with blanks). Perhaps the weapons/prop man should face charges, but unless some definite knowledge of something darker exists, he has to walk free.

I havent had a banana split since childhood. Why? Not only dont I like them, Im highly allergic to bananas... and nuts...and melons. lol.

Lastly... I refuse to even contemplate what things would be like if "they hadnt missed"...Mr. Trump and I are going to save the universe together.

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Insightful and thought provoking as always. Your perceptions and accusations regarding the Dems being ruthless cheaters, the Republicans being too stupid to properly counter, Trump being innocent and clean on most all of their "trumped" up charges, and of Hoover having a dossier on everyone were spot on and thought provoking. What they "provoke" is the thought as to WHY things continue as they do. Its more than Republican "stupidity".... its Republican lack of balls and heart. The Dems need to be called out, and no one has enough hair on their ass to properly do it.

Back in the day, when you spotted a cheater, he wasnt allowed 2 years and 100 excuses to worm his way out or cover the facts. He was called to the carpet, repented and atoned, or disappeared into a hole in the desert! If you sat at the poker table with Wild Bill and the boys, and the extra ace fell out of your sleeve, a .45 shell parted your cranium. That's a harsh example for 21st century life, but that and a lot worse take place behind the scenes, and the cheating liberal media hides it all. No more.. the American public needs to see the full scope of the ruse. And to accomplish this its time for some Republicans with guts... Its time for some blatant, in your face, "frontier justice" in order to send the message.

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