100% Michael! Amazing insight and intricacy in tying all of that together! I have watched pieces of it but life interrupted my attention. I have always had a visceral repulsion of her. My kids worked hard on me to vote for her and not Trump. I wish I would have had this to read out loud to them. Not that I could break through TDS. My first thought was this needs to go viral! Sadly, I’m not the one to help with that. But it’s archived and I will

pull it out when I need it!

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Michael, don’t hold back. No more mincing words, biting your toungue, and parsing meaning. No more beating around the bush. How do you really feel about Madam Succubus? LOL!

When I saw the title, Her, before I saw anything else about this column,... I knew. I knew that you devoted a full column to the she-devil-in-chief. Great job.

And as one who once called her corrupt on national TV, (60 Minutes no less) and lived to tell the tale, are you paid up on your life insurance?

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Immediately after posting the comment above, my computer crashed. It’s a fairly new Mac Book, M3 chip, with no previous problems. Over and hour later with a sr advisor, I’m reinstalling the operating system after wiping the hard drive clean. No other options worked. Won’t even start in Safe Mode.

While on the call to Apple my iphone started complaining of overheating, which has Never happened before. Never. And I’m inside in the shade. Also Apple sent me a few emails with a link for follow up after reinstalling the OS. That email header arrived but the bodies have not downloaded. It’s been over an hour. Restarted the phone. Still no email. Strange.

Coincidence? My computer, phone and email all go haywire at the same moment right after I called Hillary a succubus and a she-devil in your comments.

Hmmm. I’m not ruling anything out. It really does have a 1984 Big Brother real-time censorship vibe that makes me uncomfottable. If anything happens to me, it is not suicide.

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Fortunately, or unfortunately for me, my exposure here is only two hundred deep. Her! will never hear of this post.

It should go viral. It is informative. But it won't. Sad for Mikey. RCP doesn't like my tone.

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In all ways possible, this is got to be your best artical about "The Worst Creature Alive Today".

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You are too kind. I only wish it could go viral. So people might begin to see. Instead they are all distracted by the Hawk Tuah girl.

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I'm sharing it with everyone I know

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I posted it on LinkedIn. Maybe a few 1000 will see it. And I do hate Hillary.

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