To be honest, I dont think the "left" or Democrats in particular can be blamed for people allowing or condoning their children having sex change operations. While I loathe the libtards and everything about them, it takes a very special kind of IDIOT to allow this to happen to their child. I dont care if its a Democratic government, a Republican one, or a complete monarchy/dictatorship, any fool going along with having their child's body desecrated deserves to not only be lobotomized, but to have their own genitals removed and fed to the hogs. We're not just a left leaning nation, we're a nation of moronic zombies with no common sense or minds of our own!

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You live in my brain. Anything that, in the past, made us feel some power to change is gone. Voting, speaking up, boycotting etc. All gone. The sense of powerlessness makes it all so much more difficult. If they can capture parents and the medical society to use children there is no stopping them. “Biden” is a wrecking ball to our world as we know it. “He” destroyed long fought for Title IX with his Obama pen.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts; they mirror my own thoughts exactly. There are many more like us and it's good to know we're not alone. I ask myself all the time, "What the heck can we do to fix this?" Complaining to our politicians are like spitting in the wind, since they don't care what their constituents want. Sometimes I hope that we can vote our way out of this, except we know that they are going to cheat like hell in this next election. I have to give the crazy Dems credit; they seem to be so very well organized with a ton of money behind them. Barack warned us that he wanted to totally transform our country and he, Soros and so many other deep state elites are doing one hell of a job. BTW, I love reading your blog and will subscribe when I get back to having more work. Life has become somewhat of a struggle, like so many others.

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And I have less influence than you.

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One of your most profound insights:

" . . . and about as influential as the two dogs at my feet."

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