As an American woman, mother of three and of the same generation as you Michael, I agree. My Ex-husband insisted on going to all the showers. It pissed me off and concerned me a bit. A lot. I hated showers, Tupperware parties, all other MMM’s, 2yr old bday parties. And probably lost friends for not attending. They are an embarrassment. Those stupid games. Ugh. So I’m on the side of enough but enough showers. I’m embarrassed to say we were so poor at the time we needed the gifts so I smiled all the way through it. I would have stayed home while my husband went but in those days I had the guest of honor belly.

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A masterpiece!

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I didn’t go to the baby shower and everybody was pissed. But the beer was extra cold and very good between 1 and 4 that Saturday.

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We must start a movement. Men don't do baby showers.

It is emasculating.

And frankly real men don't do gender reveal parties.

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And don’t forget, real men don’t go to wedding showers either.

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