
I went with a bunch of friends to see Jimmy Dore last year. He was so good! I have enjoyed his evolution, especially on vaccines. I agree that his stance on universal healthcare is a mistake. This is your best post yet, IMO. I'm going to share this with some diehard Democrat friends who don't get it.

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"best yet"? In 400 columns?

Appreciate that.

Incredible to me. A "throwaway" column that comes together in ten minutes is "my best", when there are some I toil over for days and nada, no comments.

You are a gem for reading, and responding. I enjoy the dialog.

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I haven't read all 400, so maybe it's not your best, but it resonated deeply with me. I subscribed after Sasha Stone recommended you, so I have some catching up to do. As I've stated, I'm a recovering lefty, feminist Democrat. I could not understand what was happening culturally during the past 8-9 years. "The poles have shifted to their direct opposites." I tried to discuss what I was experiencing with my lefty friends and family members. Most were unwilling to talk about it. This post covers it beautifully! I have no talent for writing - you toil over some, I toil over EVERYTHING. I'm grateful that you've stated this so succinctly. I hope it doesn't take a few more election cycles for people to see it!

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"They are so blind to the change that has actually occurred they use the handle “Resist” in their twitter handles, and posts. They urge “resistance” against Trump vociferously, at full volume, all while being on the side of the establishment."

I recently shared this meme on Facebook- Respondents thought I was referring to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Nope!


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The country doesn't have "a few more election cycles" to wait out the Democrats' across-the-board intentional destruction. Stand up and be counted in ways great and small. If not now, when?

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