They BOTH have to go. Together they arent worth a lump of coal. The Dems have NO candidate(s), NO ONE worth a solid crap. They all cheat, all lie, are all incompetent, and are all hellbent on the destruction of our country and way of life. Id like to see the entire party go the way of the Whigs, and vanish from the face of the earth. GOOD RIDDENCE!!!

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“She” lives by the creed: hell hath no fury like a women scorned

I agree

Great revenge match for sure

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The Democrats have to either stick with Biden or give it to Harris for one reason MONEY and Delegates. Should they go with another candidate probably close to a billion in donations that people have given to the Biden team would have to be returned also Biden controls over 300 delegates they are his and unless he releases them they can’t be taken away. What should the party do? The Democrats need to realize they are going to lose so continue with the the octogenarian and spend the billon on the other races and try to get control of both houses.

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Democrats don't live by rules. To them election laws are a "suggestion". They'll loophole that money to any candidate they want. With zero consequences.

You sound like a Republican. Ooooo Rules we have to follow.

If we were following "rules" we wouldn't have a dementia patient for a President. There'd be no drop boxes, early voting, or three AM boxes coming up from under the table.

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Yes, the white board hanging on the wall of a K Street consulting firm has multiple paths forward, all throwing Saul Alinsky to the wolves in favor of: any means to an end. Pure blood sport.

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