Ella is one hundred percent correct! The only thing my father ever bothered with on TV was football and the news. Baseball moved to slow for him and he considered the vast majority of programming inane. Your observation on the baby boomers is pretty accurate however don’t forget the many members of that generation that did get sent to Viet Nam, especially those who didn’t get to come home.

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My dad loved everything. Any little thing he came across was the greatest thing ever. Every person he met was delightful. His life attitude epitomized the magical thinking portrayed in the shows you list.

I tried to call up just one mental image of him in front of a television, but it doesn't exist. The only memory I have regarding him and tv is one day he walked through while my brother and I were glued to an episode of "Hogan's Heroes". He commented that it was it too ridiculous to be watched, that there was nothing comic about the Germans during World War II. This from the most positive person I've ever known.

Sounds like your dad was too busy for much tv, too.

It must have been us boomers watching all that stuff.

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