I have a carabiner watch attached to a belt loop. Anytime I want to know what time it is I just look down at it. No need to fumble for my clunky cell phone. And.... It's analog! Yay! Watches still have their usefulness.

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I loathe insurance companies too, but that's because they are already fused with the government. We are required by every state to carry auto liability insurance if we drive. We are required by the federal regime to carry health insurance, including tranny care. Home insurance may be the least entangled, but the government still has its claws in there in terms of who insurers may deny coverage to.

If you want an example of how insurance should work, I present to you pet insurance. I carry it for my dogs, but I choose not to carry it for my cats (to "self insure") since they stay indoors. I choose my deductible, the post-deductible insurance payment percentage, and the maximum payout. I choose whether to cover injury and illness or just injury. I can even choose "well dog" care if I want.

I realize the parallel is not perfect, since I can tell the vet to end my dog's life if the care plan will be too painful or expensive. Vets can also deny emergency care (though most won't); hospitals are required by law to provide it. The point is that less government creates a better product. Your solution of more government never works and is a big part of the current problem. Or do you think that Geico, Progressive, and all the rest won't be in the room with the lawmakers making sure their profits remain fat and happy while we get more and more screwed? If you don't think that will be the case, I have a grand mountain chalet to sell you here in Indiana.

Have a blessed day.

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True story John. My dad died driving an automobile. Had a heart attack at the wheel. Crashed the car, slowly, into a parked car just after. Not going fast when it all happened. My mother was with him and after realizing what was happening, took over and steered the car to a safe stop from the passenger side.

Insurance company called our home, before even the burial, and said to me "we aren't paying for the damage, because he was dead when he hit the cars, and we don't insure dead people".

Thank God I answered and not my grieving elderly mother who was in the car at the time.

Insurance companies are the absolute worst entities we have. If they can put the Gecko on TV all day, everyday, plus pay the damages and expenses, plus make huge profits, we are all being soaked.

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