Youre on quite the roll/rant today... Some comebacks:

1) Yes, water supplies (as well as the power grid, which is EXTREMELY vulnerable) need to be upgraded nationwide.

2) Yes, Steven A Smith is a HORRIBLE racist and an annoying personality. Shannon Sharpe is even worse. If you listen to them Malcom X invented the lightbulb, Jessie Jackson discovered string theory, and Revered Ike gave the sermon on the mount!

3) No, your musical tastes BLOW! Away with POCO and all that mind numbing sweet ma trash from the 70's. The P Funk All Stars rule the world... closely followed by the Stones, Eagles, Isleys, Aerosmith, and Bob Seger.

4) What's happened to San Francisco is a national tragedy. What's happened to Portland is almost as bad. Oakland is a horrid slice of Californian crud and should be swallowed up by the San Andreas Fault in its entirety. But Frisco and Portland are worth saving... The government (Under Trump) needs to pick the Hawaiian island of their choosing, move all its residents to the mainland, take all the vagrants, homeless, and douchebags off the streets of Frisco and Portland, scoop them up in a giant airlift, and drop them on the island... with tools, lumber, cement, antibiotics, crops, seeds, and supplies to start their own mini "nation". If they make it, great...if they dont, well...they didnt like it or couldnt conform here, so...good try.

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"Roll, roll on roll on....Rose of Cimmaron. Dusty days are gone, Rose of Cimmaron..."

"Crazy Eyes, who's been foolin you..."

"There's just a little bit of magice in the country....."

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Alex Jones' demeanor is a turn off for me as well, and I never paid much attention to him. But I've been following his attorney, Robert Barnes for the past year (I HIGHLY recommend his channel), and I now see Jones differently. If they can successfully shut Jones up, they can shut us all up. This is an orchestrated attempt to try to silence anyone who supports Trump. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/state/2019/03/07/alex-jones-ratchets-up-his-sandy-hook-defense/5763376007/

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Always brings a wry smile to my lips when Saint Hillary, the Succubus in Chief, worms her way into your columns, this time unxpected. When you least expect her, expect her!

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