This is the description of Marxist ideology. And yes I am a simple thinker. Blacks sold their own as slaves in Africa. The white elites here are using their made worse plight as a critical issue in keeping the pot stirring. The majority of people are windshield observers of what is going on. They are not hiking the trail. They are sitting at the trailhead taking pictures. The elite know is easy to manipulate when most people have less than half knowledge about what is happening. And no they don’t care and are willing to sacrifice millions of lives for the revolution.

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The RACE card again! How old can this get? How many times can we hear of the plight? How whites are "RACIST"? How blacks deserve "reparations"?

As Ive mentioned many times in my posts, I am about as far from racist as one gets. I grew up in the 70's, was athletic, had scores of black friends, listened to 80% soul, r&B, and funk music, and literally ALL my heroes were BLACK... Im WHITE! Its old, its tired, its played itself out, yet the upper-middle class WHITE American (particularly Democrat and particularly female) continues to buy into it.

There's BET... if there were WET we'd have riots... There's Ebony and Jet magazine... if there was Ivory we'd have uprisings... there's the NAACP (which should be the NAABP, because we dont say "colored" anymore)...if there were an NAAWP we'd have a march on the Capitol! Add to that with the fact that the last 4-5 DECADES have seen nothing but REVERSE discrimination, minority grants, and social programs designed to benefit blacks, and we've done EVERYTHING possible to not only level the playing field, but tip it 180 degrees in the other direction!

The Civil War is over... slavery was abolished over 150 years ago... Every many now has true equal opportunity. Its up to the black culture to take the steps necessary to succeed, and I believe it starts with the preservation of the family unit. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY is the key. No more excuses, no entitlement, no reparations, no handouts... Gitter' dun folks....step up....answer the call.

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