You have outdone yourself -- again.

This is what pseudonyms are for. Another verse! Another verse! Another verse! Admit it. Would it not be fun to see Kurt singing on YouTube?

As for running the table, who knows? Yesterday I watched Jorge Ramos interview three California Republican Hispanics. His face looked vaguely like it was being slapped as they answered his questions. These folks had been listening to Trump rallies. They gave chapter and verse. The woman from Cuba said she thought Trump could win California because "everybody is for him".

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And by the way, a salute for publishing daily. No small feat.

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Michael, write another verse and chorus and I’ll post a YouTube video singing it. Promise!

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You've actually hit on one of my comedic talents. I often parody friends with nasty lyrics to recognizable tunes to "mess" with them. But alas, I cannot do it. My comedy book published on Amazon was too "foul and over-the-top" for the masses. And embarrassed the clan. So I need to keep that side hidden.

Trust that I could skewer the Cacklin' Hen pretty good if I put pen to paper.

If you like funny you should see my sock puppet videos. A tube sock with a friend's face glued on, where I eviscerate them in small clips.

If I knew how to actually get them up on Youtube, and did them on politicians and celebrities, they'd be a hit. But I can't work a camera, do voices, or edit. Oh well.

How much can one man do, I'm publishing every day as it is.

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Michael, sounds like you have a gift. I recently played some funny songs (also foul over the top) for some friends while traveling. Sample lyric, "You were playing hard to get, now don't deny it. That restraining order told me that you're shy." The Karens don't like over the top, but they don't call ALL the shots. When they expressed their objections to me, my reaction was to go play in public. I played out at an open mic here in NYC yesterday and the audience loved it. I play there about every month, my stuff, funny, raunchy. They love it. In fact, I have a young woman who likes my stuff and will sing duets with me. (In the above mentioned song, she shoots the stalker guy between the eyes in her first verse. The song goes on with the guy as a zombie.) This is a legit request to share your artistic talent.

You don't have to tell the clan. If nothing happens, then they will never hear a word about it. If anything gets popular, or goes viral (which is an impossible long shot, realistically), you have the choice of telling them of your connection, and then on your terms. Popularity is an undeniable form of validation. Can't argue with a strong view count.

Plus, you enjoy writing this stuff. Don't be a coward and let the Karens cancel you. Don't let the Karens of the world muzzle your gift. All I am asking you to do now is write a few lyrics. You know you want to. Forget about the rest of production. Didn't you want to make some new friends with your Substack? I want a copy of your Amazon book too, if any are still available. I couldn't find it. To quote our vegetable-in-chief, "C'mon, man." Just send me some verses and a chorus and it will all be fine.

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