You can’t find black pepper bacon anywhere. Nothing like a pepper bacon and fresh tomato sandwich with Dukes Mayo, or your favorite mayo. Hamburger is tasteless even from a local vendor and has been for 20 years. Food, like everything else in this country has regressed.

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Dukes? Eegads Man, there is Hellmans. Only Hellmans. There is no other mayonnaise.

We are very nearing beefsteak tomato season in the mid-Atlantic. Heaven. And soon, very soon silver queen corn.

And I will admit that ketchup is "Heinz", but as a Ravens fan I refuse to purchase anything made in Pittsburgh, so I Hunt's that. I realize I am going against the grain, but between their support of the Squealers, and one marrying John Kerry, I boycott all Heinz products.

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Only Hunts, and we already have some Early Girls coming off. First one May 12. Not as big as the beefsteak but quite tasty. South Carolina weather helps me out. Oh, Ms. Gram spent 12 million dollars on an exit to the Carolina Panthers facility that was never built. What a waste. The Graham exit to nowhere.

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